All posts by walros

Looking forward to Bandung!

We’ve met a lot of people from Bandung since we started this journey toward Indonesia. We’d never heard of the city before March, when Indonesian friends suggested we land there to learn the language and establish relationships with students and educated Indonesians.

As soon as we said “Yes!” to the invitation, we started meeting people from Bandung. Here are just a few of them:

  • The florist where W buys gardenias each Friday noted that we were gone this summer. When she heard we’d visited Indonesia, she exclaimed, “Where did you go? I’m from Bandung.”
  • The fellow who sold us a kitchen counter via Craigslist mentioned that his sister-in-law studies in Bandung. “We’ll be in Jakarta next year. Can we meet up there?” Of course! We took his business card.
  • The  team leader for classroom software W introduced to Northwest U is from Bandung.
  • The restaurant server brought our meal … and mentioned she’s from Bandung.

These Seattleites volunteered their connections with Bandung. Several asked us to stay in touch so they can mentor us about the city. What has God planned? It’s coming to life, one person at a time.

How is God orchestrating your life and contacts?

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